De-Light means being with the Light
This Inward Experience lets you encounter the Light within – while the
Outer Excursion shows you how life blends harmoniously with nature

This retreat is for you if

∞ You want to have a body-mind-soul-spirit approach to life
∞ You need an energy boost
∞ You are looking for the meaning of life

Our Life is A Journey

Pay attention to every interaction in the process as opposed to the destination itself.

When we do that, we will see that all the activities are actually part of the whole path.
We can then truly enjoy life the way it is!

Excursion Activities

Visit Sites with Light
Savor Healthy & Healing Cuisine
Participate in Sustainable & Eco-friendly Activities
Practice Relaxation & Physical Exercises
Share & Interact with Members & Locals
Being in Nature
Attend Workshops
We plan our tours based on the foundation of a three-prong criteria. Every activity is consciously chosen based upon these elements. The intent being that you can empower yourself in body-mind-soul-spirit through the activities. And you can bring new perspectives and experiences back after the retreat.

The Threefold Criterion

  1. Connecting with the Light, your original and ideal state of Spirit.
  2. Health healing includes physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
  3. De-Light Living allows you to make changes to your mundane life that is often filled with habitual yet unconscious activities. Cultivating a lifestyle that supports your wellbeing.

De-Light Living

Make a conscious decision to break out of standard patterns and discover what it means to reconnect with nature and with yourself by

∞ Being sensitive to your inner state
∞ Developing a sense of aesthetic and appreciation in the beauty of things
Partnering with nature to sharpen your senses and have positive feelings